Friday, April 20, 2012


I find myself often talking about how unfulfilled I feel with my job.  I don’t feel as though I am serving a purpose.  I am just a cog spinning into oblivion with no real meaning.  I also hear others talking about how unfulfilled they feel with their jobs, or their friendships, or their relationships with their significant other, or their families, or just with life in general.

I realized something last night while talking with my wife over dinner.  We were eating chicken and waffles at CafĂ© 4.  It was delicious.  Anyhow, we were talking about how unfulfilled we feel in our career paths.  I listened to her talk about how she had worked so hard through college to become a teacher and yet she is still not fulfilled.  I mean she is absolutely made for her job!  She is intelligent, great with kids, kind, and she loves teaching (I don’t want to confuse this with fulfilling, though), and, yet no fulfillment!  I, on the other hand, took quite the opposite approach.  I didn’t work that hard in college and I still feel unfulfilled.  I’m not really sure if I even fit the job description, unlike my wife, so if the scenarios are flipped, shouldn’t the feeling be different?

Even in friendships.  I don’t struggle with this that much, but I am not 100% satisfied or fulfilled with the friendships and relationships I have built.  I am certainly not fulfilled by family.  I long for more in my life, so, I guess, life isn’t that fulfilling?  After all these thoughts were through processing, in the midst of our conversation, I had a realization. 

There’s no fulfillment apart from Jesus.

There is this foundation wall underneath my house that is cracked from end to end.  It’s an old house, built in 1930, and apparently this wall is not the first one that has cracked.  From what I understand, there was another wall in front of it that had done the same thing as result of years of rain pushing dirt up against it.  Instead of just fixing the problem, they just built another wall, hoping it would stand longer.  The reason that these walls continue to buckle is because there is no foundation poured underneath them!  They just laid the cinderblocks down on the basement floor and started building.  Eventually, we will have to fix this problem correctly before the whole house comes down.

Without Jesus there is no foundation.  Without a foundation, nothing that is built will stand on its own for forever.   Without Jesus in any of those things that we look for fulfillment in, we will most undoubtedly not find it.  That is why we hit the ground running so hard on most the things we do in our lives, jobs, relationships, life, etc. and a short time later we feel unsatisfied, sad, tired, angry, desperate…unfulfilled.  We weren’t meant to live this life apart from God.

When we are finally able to see things from a much a grander, merely divine, perspective we see that it isn’t about serving a purpose, but about serving Jesus.  Serving Him through how we serve others in our jobs, marriages, friendships, families…our lives.  Fulfilled because we are a blessed cog serving a divine purpose. 


Help me to believe this for myself.
