Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year

I'm a dad now.

I haven't written in quite some time. I imagine that's how most blogs start out nowadays. I believe writing and spending quality time with The Lord is a direct correlation for me. Except for now. I'm writing and yet I've spent hardly any time with him this year. 

I've got a lot to be thankful for. A wonderful, supportive wife. A beautiful healthy baby girl. A great stable job (unless I'm terrible at it). And great friends. 

I'm not sure why I started this entry. I think it's because of the Hoegarden. Gah I do love beer. 

I hope this next year is different for me. I hope I'm more reverent. I take advantage of love and grace that is offered to me daily. 

I'm a dad now. I think I can understand a little of what The Lord thinks when he looks at me. I often thank him for loving me....

If Ellee ever thanked me for loving her, I'd be somewhat befuddled. "Why would you thank me for that? I'm your dad...I love you dearly."

And then I think of the shame I feel when I realize I haven't spent much time with him, and I think "Thank you for loving me."

I'm a son, too...