Sunday, October 23, 2016

The blesses & the messes

I know what you're feeling. That the things you do or don't do don't matter. The Lord possesses and blesses us with the things that are unaccounted for. 

Don't forget about what made you. Who made you. Who made them. 

Your time is nigh. Your time is whilst. Enjoy the blesses and the messes. 

God loves those and them. 

You are. 

Your family. The one. The three. 

They love. You love. The hugs. The constant bugs and etc. 

Enjoy it. Take in the long walks with them. The small talks with them. They love innocently. Enjoy them presently. 

Love thy neighbor. Not just your flavor. Be good to those weep. Be good to those that are cheap. 

Your blesses and the messes. CS Lewis said it best. Further up. Further in.