Monday, February 13, 2012

The Good Hope

I continually realize just how much I am in need of the Lord.  This weekend, for example, was wonderfully hard for me.  It started out great.  Rachel and I went to dinner and a movie with a bunch of our friends. That was great for so many reasons.  I was near the end of the row, but I could look down the aisle and all of our friends that God has so lovingly put into our lives.  Each one of them so different, but so commonly adored by the same Creator.  Each of us offering up a little bit of that affection back.

The night ends.  All is well.  The morning comes.  And I reminded of why I love my wife so much.  I wake up to her half asleep.  She's been plagued by a bug that seems to have been bothering her since the beginning of winter.  We instantly feel each other's presence and reach for one another.  It's a warm embrace on a cold day.  We get up, we get dressed, and we head to Cracker Barrel.  It snows while we are there.  It was a safe feeling.

Later, we headed up to see my aunt get married.  It was a sweet moment for her.  Her past being redeemed on a joyous winter day.  The reception was nice.  I love being surrounded by my extended family.  Aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.  The reception went really well.  Eventually everything is overshadowed by being intoxicated by the moment.  I became too comfortable.  Had too much to drink.

She took care of me.  She hated every minute of it tho.  What a graceful woman.  Love is an extreme emotion.  It can make you feel bliss in the morning, and can be a catalyst for you to get pissed in the evening.  I am thankful that even in my mess there is a good hope.  A Good Savior.  A woman that knows him.  And a good wife because of that.


Help me to not be intoxicated by fleeting moments.  Allow me to savor them.  My wife is good because you are.  Thank you for not giving up on me.  Thank you for giving her the strength to put up with me and my selfishness.  Amen.