Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I'm trying to reflect right now by writing.  Hopefully, I can somewhat reflect about what I've read and how I feel right now.

Certainly, I am unsure of what to write at this very moment.  I am also unsure of how I am supposed to lead this small group that I am in with a bunch of people from church.  Somehow I have tricked them into coming back week after week.  They think they are coming to hear about the Lord.  That's not true.  They are coming to hear a sinner talk about his Lord.  About how he loves Him so much.  And yet I fail show it in who I am.

I am supposed to be different by now!  I have been following Him for a while now! Why am I unchanged!  I long to be changed, Lord!

Allow me to change you.


I need you. I need you. I need you. I need you.


My beloved,

You're accepted.  Accepted.  Accepted. Accepted.